Welcome to the
Philippine Tech Show 2025!
Organized by the PCTA, the 2025 edition carries the theme, “Elevate & Evolve: Enhancing Networks & Connectivity”. It’s designed to bring together once divergent telecommunications networks into a one mega-industry of interconnected platforms.
Mark your calendar and be part of the tech revolution!

Join Now!
Be a Sponsor!
Benefits of being a Co-Presenter
Exhibit Island Booth space of 72 sqm.
Use of Sponsors' Lounge.
Use of a Shared Meeting Room (by schedule).
Space for logo at the welcome arch.
Logo exposures at the Plenary Hall widescreen prior to the start of the Opening Ceremony.
Logo inclusions on all event materials.
Space for logo in the PCTA website page for the Technology Show 2025.
Opportunity to speak at the Opening Ceremony for a maximum of five (5) minutes.
Opportunity to speak at the Plenary Session for a maximum of 15 minutes. Content Guideline:
Speakers are encouraged to keep their presentations to a maximum of 10 minutes, followed by a 5-minute Q&A session.
Content should align with the event's main theme, while highlighting the sponsor's contributions or relevance to the topic.
Avoid direct product pitches. Instead, integrate how products/services have impacted or could influence the industry.​
Free 10 tickets at the Fellowship Night.
Choice of full-color advertising space in the souvenir program; The Co-Presenter may choose either Back Cover, Inside Front Cover, Inside Back Cover, or two-page centerspread; materials to be provided by Co-Presenter following printer specifications.
Opportunity to insert one (1) flyer in the Delegate's Kit.
Opportunity to raffle off prizes at the Plenary Session; prizes to be provided by the Co-Presenter.
Opportunity to raffle off prizes at the Fellowship Night; prizes to be provided by the Co-Presenter.
PCTA Online Magazine (e-Cableline) Feature after the convention but within 2025; **visual/material to be provided by the Co-Presenter.
Duration: Sponsors will be featured on the e-Cableline.
Logo inclusion on all Social Media and Website Event Post.
Listing of Company Profile and details on the Souvenir program.
Entitled as Sponsor of PCTA Luzon and VisMin Connectivity Roadshow.

Co-Presenter will receive:
Three (3) Golf Tournament Participants.
Ten (10) Fun Run Participants (TBC).
2 Rooms, 3 Nights Hotel Accommodation at one of the event’s official hotel partner.
Three (3) Parking Spaces at SMX Convention Center.
Priority listing in all promotional materials.
Post-Event Analytics
Total number of attendees
Exclusive Benefits for Co-Presenters!
​Exposure Timeframe:
Logos and materials of sponsors will be prominently displayed on our digital platforms.
Event Logistics:
Comprehensive Logistics Information.
Booth Setup: Sponsors will be granted access to the venue 24 hours before the event commencement for setup. A detailed booth layout and floor plan will be shared one week in advance.
Amenities: Each booth will be equipped with basic amenities like power supply, table and chairs. Any specific requirements can be discussed in advance.
If you have any questions, email us @ angela.reyes@philtechshow.net

Benefits of being a Gold Sponsor
Exhibit Hall Booth space of 36 sqm.
Logo exposures at the Plenary Hall widescreen before the start of the Opening Ceremony.
Space for the logo at the welcome arch.
Logo inclusions for all event materials.
Free three (3) tickets at the Fellowship Night.
Choice of one (1) inside full-page, black-and-white advertising space in the souvenir program.
Opportunity to raffle off prizes at the Fellowship Night; prizes to be provided by the Sponsor.
Logo inclusion on all Social Media and Website Event Post.
Listing of Company Profile and details on the Souvenir program.
Entitled as Sponsor of either PCTA Luzon or VisMin Connectivity Roadshow.
One (1) Golf Tournament Participant.
Five (5) Fun Run Participants (TBC).
​Exposure Timeframe:
Logos and materials of sponsors will be prominently displayed on our digital platforms.
Event Logistics:
Comprehensive Logistics Information.
Booth Setup: Sponsors will be granted access to the venue 24 hours before the event commencement for setup. A detailed booth layout and floor plan will be shared one week in advance.
Amenities: Each booth will be equipped with basic amenities like power supply, table and chairs. Any specific requirements can be discussed in advance.
If you have any questions, email us @ angela.reyes@philtechshow.net
Be an Exhibitor!
Nine (9) sqm, of space inclusive of carpeting, fascia name, electricity, reception desk, folding chair, and partition walls inside the exhibit hall.
Two (2) Fun Run Participants (TBC).
Free one (1) ticket at the Fellowship Night.
Logo inclusion on all Social Media and Website Event Post.
Listing of Company Profile and details on the Souvenir program.

If you have any questions, email us @ angela.reyes@philtechshow.net
Be a Delegate!
Join the Pioneers of Innovation at Our Premier Industry Event!
Connect, collaborate, and innovate with leading minds and top players in tech and communications. A must-attend event for anyone seeking to stay ahead in this rapidly evolving industry.
Meet and network with:
If you have any questions, email us @ angela.reyes@philtechshow.net